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Upper Providence for Open Space Meeting Tuesday, January 25th

Jan 25

Upper Providence for Open Space Meeting Tuesday, January 25th

The local nonprofit Upper Providence for Open Space (UPOS) invites all concerned Media residents to their annual meeting, on Tuesday, January 25, at the Rose Tree Firehouse located at 1275 N. Providence Road. Light refreshments will be served at 7:00 pm with the meeting beginning at 7:30 pm.

The speaker will be John Pickett, Director of Planning & Community Development in Delaware County. Mr. Pickett will discuss Delaware County’s long-range vision for Mineral Hill and how this newly acquired acreage might be tied together with other publicly owned lands along Ridley Creek, which includes Scott Park.

Delaware County Planning is considering the idea of working with Natural Lands Trust and three municipalities (Media, Middletown, and Upper Providence) to develop a master plan for the conservation and protection of the Ridley Creek area.

Read more about the history of the Upper Providence open space issue in this Delco Times article.