Media, PA News: Everybody's Home Page

Vote Tuesday November 5

Nov 04

Vote Tuesday November 5

It’s been a somewhat quieter campaign season this year due to what was a heavily contested Primary Election, but suffice it to say that the election did not end in May – it will be decided tomorrow. As usual, we’ll run election results as they come in – usually around 9-9:30 PM. So tune in to get the breaking news for Media Borough...

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EDITORIAL: Political Decision Making: Your Right to Vote

Oct 30

In yet another year of in-fighting in Washington, political dysfunction and tales of gloom and doom, it is important to remember to vote in local elections, especially this off-year.  In reality, all political change occurs at the local level and oftentimes it is the neighbors we elect who have the most impact on our lives in the form of taxes, recreation areas,...

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