Media, PA News: Everybody's Home Page

Live from the newsroom, blogging: Watch it later

Jun 22

Thanks to Phil Heron and the Delaware County Times for sponsoring Live from the Newsroom on the topic of blogging. It was a pleasure to talk about all that goes into bringing the news to Media, PA. If you missed it, you can see it again here: Part 1: Live from the Newsroom, Blogging Part 2: Live from the Newsroom,...

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Media, PA News on “Live from the Newsroom”, Wednesday, June 22nd at 7:00 PM

Jun 21

Media, PA News author Kent Davidson will appear on “Live from the Newsroom Wednesday night talking about blogging” at the Delaware County Times offices, along with other Delaware County Times Bloggers. Tune into the live web stream to hear editor-in-chief of the Delaware County Times Phil Heron host a discussion regarding blogging and new...

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1 West State Street: Make up your mind

Mar 22

1 West State Street: Make up your mind

UPDATED: We were incorrect, Borough Council was unanimous in revealing the terms of this offer, not for selling the building to this bidder. The statement made by Monica Simpson at the meeting was: “This is a decision that will be very well received by our residents, by the local businesses, and I think this is one area in which council has unanimously agreed...

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Delaware County Times distances itself from reader comments

Oct 31

Delaware County Times distances itself from reader comments

The Delaware County Times recently made a change to how they organize their information online which dramatically affects how they are perceived online from search engines, effectively distancing themselves from much of the reader commentary which is pervasive throughout the site. Anyone who has perused the Delaware County Times web site has found that the articles...

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Skirmish between Cunningham and a resident

Oct 22

Skirmish between Cunningham and a resident

Jim Cunningham’s has apparently become embroiled in a skirmish with a local resident David Palmer. From the Times: Media councilman’s conduct called into question To the Times: Regarding the Media Borough Council meeting of Aug. 19: The “new” leadership of council occupied nearly the entire comments section of the meeting with overwhelmingly negative...

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