Media, PA News: Everybody's Home Page

Upper Providence: No funding for MUPFL New Building in 2013

Dec 14

Upper Providence: No funding for MUPFL New Building in 2013

According to a source close to the matter, I just heard that Upper Providence did not include any funding next year last night for the Media Upper Providence Free Library (MUPFL) building project. Last night was their final meeting of 2013, so it’s unclear how their 2013 budget will change before the end of the year. Fran Shields, the Chair of the MUPFL Board...

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Borough Council Legislative Meeting September 20th, 2012

Sep 21

Borough Council met last night for two meetings, a Public Hearing for a new liquor license for My Three Sons hot dog and beer emporium at 7:30 PM, and the regularly scheduled Borough Council meeting at 8:00PM. The first hour and fifteen minutes were spent discussing the design of Broomall’s Dam. Read more about that decision here. My Three Sons Hot Dog awarded...

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