Media, PA News: Everybody's Home Page

Gardening For Rain, Re-Visioning Your Yard on February 22nd, 2011

Feb 22

Transition Town Media, the Media Environmental Advisory Council (EAC), and the Stroud Water Research Center are co-sponsoring a talk by Vivian Williams on “Gardening for Rain – Re-Visioning Your Garden“. Media and many other towns in the Chester-Ridley-Crum watershed have huge problems with stormwater flooding and the degradation of streams...

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Rain Gardens

Oct 29

Rain Gardens

In the October 7th working meeting, Peter Alyanakian announced that the Environmenal Advisory Council had installed Rain Gardens by the Stone Cottage in Media. A Rain Garden is simply a dug-out section of earth where rain from home gutters is sent, creating a natural, self-watering garden which receives additional watering even from light rains. Environmentally, a...

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