Media, PA News: Everybody's Home Page

Where do I vote in Media, PA?

Nov 02

Where do I vote in Media, PA?

Vote! Republican, Democrat, Independent, Tea Party, Libertarian, or Green Party, make sure you vote! All Things Media, PA produced an excellent map using Google Maps; my only comment is the Eastern and Northern Districts actually vote at the same location. Your polling location is relatively easy: Western: Delaware County Bar Association, at Front and Lemon...

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Poll: Toomey is ahead of Sestak

Aug 26

From the Daily Times: Republican Pat Toomey continues to lead Democrat Joe Sestak in the heated Pennsylvania race for the U.S. Senate, according to the latest Franklin & Marshall poll. Among likely voters, Toomey leads Joe Sestak 40-31 percent, senate, with about one in four (26%) undecided and 3percent with another choice. Read more...

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