Media, PA News: Everybody's Home Page

Removal of Duplexes from R-2

Jan 25

Last Legislative session on January 17th, 2012, we passed a resolution which removes duplexes from the R-2 zoning district. This is a minor, but important change which demonstrates the focus of this council on encouraging home ownership as much as possible within the Borough. I personally believe that Media, like many communities, benefits by having long-term...

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Media Borough’s Financial State, and 3rd Street Dam: No comment

Jan 18

It’s been a while since I’ve posted and so I’ll try and do so more often, but short and concisely. Media Borough Council had our regular legislative meeting last night, which was covered nicely by Media Patch, at least about the one topic of controversy. What was not reported was some of the other important news for Media residents, which...

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Media Borough Public Hearing and Legislative Meeting, October 21st at 7:15 PM

Oct 21

Media Borough Public Hearing and Legislative Meeting, October 21st at 7:15 PM

As a heads up, there will be a “public hearing” 15 minutes prior to the Borough Council meeting this Thursday at 7:15 PM. The agenda states: AMENDMENT TO THE ZONING CODE – CREATION OF A NEW “LIGHT RETAIL-OFFICE-APARTMENT OVERLAY ZONING DISTRICT” You can download the PDF agenda here: Media Borough Public Hearing Agenda October 21st,...

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