Media, PA News: Everybody's Home Page

Actual 3rd Street Dam Expenditures since 1999

Jul 18

From the borough manager, Jeffrey Smith, the actual expenditures on the 3rd Street Dam since 1999 have been approximately $322,404.12 as of June 21st, 2011. As stated in the meeting last month, Borough Council and the Finance committee has allocated $250,000 this year alone for the design fees for the third street dam, which would nearly double all funds spent in the...

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Speed bumps and budgets

Oct 27

The issue regarding fixing the crosswalk at the north side of Jackson and State streets: A few people, think leaving the indented recess at the cross walk of Jackson and State Streets is nothing more than a mere “natural speed bump” and believe is should be left as so. WHAT? Tedman is referring to comments about Jackson and State streets here, which I...

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